Hello there. I'm Dianna, a designer who loves to do the obvious (design). I'm originally from Queens, New York but I currently reside somewhere in Florida. Aside from graphic design, I'm also really into reading, writing, photography, music (but none of that mainstream stuff that's on the radio), fashion...oh, and pizza.

          One thing I've noticed about life, is that it's full of repulsive compositions (that's just the plain truth). While many people go about their daily lives in a rush without really taking the time to be aware of their surroundings, I'm quite the opposite. I look at everything. One of my missions in life is to make this world a better place to live in - especially design-wise. I try and make it a point, daily, to grow as a person and as a designer; and most importantly, to stay true to the end! 

“Not knowing you can't do something, is sometimes all it takes to do it.” ― Ally Carter